
Exchange trade (how to trade at the exchange)

Exchange trade, trading – process of transactions of sale and purchase of financial instruments at the organized auction (exchange). The individual, getting access to the exchange through the broker, can trade in shares, bonds, currency, futures, options and other tools.

For trade at the exchange the natural person needs several components:

- The opened brokerage account at one of brokers or in the bank having the broker license. The Financial One log regularly publishes the rating of brokers who give access to two main trading floors of Russia – the Moscow Exchange and Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange.

- The trade terminal (the program for trading) via which the natural person will independently make transactions, or the personal manager who will make transactions on the brokerage account of the client by means of voice messages of last. Today it is possible to state that voice trading practically died, having given way to independent trade via exchange terminals. As a rule they are divided into several types: independent development (QUIK, MetaTrader, "Source", Yango, "Thesis", etc.) and internal development of brokers (FinamTrade from the FINAM company, application "My broker" from BKS, SmartX from the ITinvest company and etc.).


Successful trade at the exchange requires existence of three key factors which cannot exist the friend without friend:

- Accurately formalized trade system. It is the set of rules on which the trader makes the decision on an input and an output from a line item. They can be formulated both on the basis of graphic models (patterns), and on the basis of signals of different technical indicators which are built in exchange terminals.

- Manya-management, or risk management. It rules of control of equity. In other words, how many people are ready to be lost in % of own deposit in one transaction.

- Correctly built psychology of exchange trade. The correct relation to trading and the correct psychological spirit retain the person from rash and not system transactions and also rollings in a tilt status when to the trader becomes all the same how many he will lose – if only his need for transactions was satisfied (not very well – profitable or unprofitable). The status of the tilt arises against the background of desire of the trader to win back the previous losses. It carries to the fact that it breaks own trade system and governed risk management therefore a deposit is lost or the essential loss appears. On the secret statistics confirmed, in particular, with the competition "The Best Private Investor" up to 80-90% of private traders lose money at the exchange.

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